
「2024 年臺灣科普環島列車」即將進站!

自 2016 年以來,科普列車帶著滿載好奇心的小小科學家們,在列車上進行了無數次的科學實驗。今年,我們準備了更多好玩有趣的科學探險,還有嶄新的活動亮點等你來發現!

  • 六天環島大冒險:今年科普列車將環繞臺灣六天,特別在「週六」開放,讓更多小朋友和家長一起來享受科學的樂趣!
  • 雙語科普車廂初登場:挑戰自己,用英語學科學!今年特別設計了雙語車廂,讓小小科學家們用全新的方式認識科學世界!

Event Overview and Highlights

Next stop: 2024 Taiwan Island-round Science Education Train! 

This year, we've lined up an even greater array of fun and fascinating scientific explorations, along with brand-new activities for you to uncover!

  • Six-day Island Adventure
  • Bilingual Science Train

Registration Period: open now until July 31, 2024 (Wed. at 6 PM). 

Activity Period: October 21 (Mon.) to October 26 (Sat.), 2024.


  • 10/21(一):臺北站 → 板橋站 → 桃園站 → 新竹站 → 後龍站 → 日南站 (僅作為下車站點)。
  • 10/22(二):新烏日站 → 彰化站 → 二水站 → 斗南站 → 嘉義站 → 新營站 → 臺南站 (僅作為下車站點)。
  • 10/23(三):臺南站 → 橋頭站 → 高雄站 → 屏東站 → 林邊站 → 枋寮站 (僅作為下車站點)。
  • 10/24(四):臺東站 → 池上站 → 玉里站 → 光復站 → 壽豐站 (僅作為下車站點)。
  • 10/25(五):壽豐站 → 花蓮站 → 新城站(僅作為下車站點) → 冬山站 → 宜蘭站 → 頭城站 (僅作為下車站點)。
  • 10/26(六):福隆站 → 七堵站 → 基隆站 → 南港站 (僅作為下車站點)。

備註:每所學校僅搭乘一站為原則(例如:臺北站上車 → 板橋站下車)


一、公開報名期間:即日起至 7 月 31 日 (三) 18 時止。

二、一律採網路報名,輸入活動頁面網址 (http://apply.nstctrain.tw/) 或搜尋「2024 年臺灣科普環島列車搭車公開報名」。


代表報名者須為校方人員 (如校長、教務 / 學務主任、老師)以學校名義進行登錄,各校上車人數以1節車廂(上限43人含師生)為原則,活動委辦單位將依據學校所處縣市行政區安排上車站點並以近3年未曾上車、偏鄉與非山非市學校優先,相關認定條件如下:

(一)近 3 年 (2021 - 2023 年) 上車國小名單





(二)上車學校應於 11 月 8 日 (五) 前將遊覽車正本發票 (含匯款資訊,如帳戶影本) 掛號郵寄至工作小組以利辦理核銷歸墊,如因逾期或未寄送、單據不全或有誤者恕無法核銷歸墊。

(三)上車學校若學校所在地區為離島 (含澎湖縣、金門縣、連江縣、臺東縣綠島鄉、臺東縣蘭嶼鄉、屏東縣琉球鄉),相關車資及旅遊平安險費用,委辦單位僅支應「在臺參與本活動之相關支出」,不含離島前往臺灣之相關費用。




3.委辦單位將留存參與人員之聯繫方式,並蒐集個人影像畫面供活動執行及推廣使用,後續須請參與人員配合填寫個資同意書及肖像授權同意書,並於 10 月 14 日 (一) 前回傳給工作小組。

4.如有未盡事宜,國科會保留調整活動細節之權利,並有權對本活動相關事宜作出解釋或裁決。聯繫方式:02-2737-7764 科國處曾黛如科長。

5.委辦單位「中華民國產業科技發展協進會」聯繫方式:02-2325-6800 分機 887 (沈先生);分機 892 (黃小姐)。
地址:10658 臺北市大安區信義路三段149號11樓「臺灣科普環島列車工作小組」

Event information (More details below)openarrow closearrow

Registration Details

  1. Registration Period: open now until July 31 (Wed. at 6 PM). 
  2. All registrations must be completed online via the event website at http://apply.nstctrain.tw/. Search for "Registration for 2024 Taiwan Island-round Science Education Train"
  3. Applicant Eligibility and Selection Criteria

     Only a member of the school staff (such as the principal, academic/student affairs director, or teacher) can register on behalf of the school. In principle, each school is allowed one train car (up to 43 people, including teachers and students). Boarding locations will be designated based on the school's location in their county or city districts. Priority will be given to schools that 1) have not previously participated in the event in the last three years, 2) located in remote areas, and 3) or non-mountain, non-urban schools. Please refer to the criteria below: 

    1. List of schools that have participated in the past 3 years (2021-2023) (See Appendix). 
    2. Ministry of Education's List of Junior High and Elementary Schools in Rural Areas
    3. Ministry of Education's List of Non-mountain/Non-urban Schools.
  4. Guidelines for Participating Schools

    If a school is selected, the Implementing Agency will cover full-day transportation fares and travel accident insurance on the event day, and provide simple meals if required. Schools must adhere to the following guidelines:

    1. Participating schools are responsible for arranging their transportation and logistics.
    2. Participating schools must send the original transportation invoice (including payment details, such as a copy of the bank passbook) via registered mail to the event office by November 8 (Friday) for reimbursement purposes. Late, unsent,  incomplete, or incorrect invoices will not qualify for reimbursement.
    3. For schools in outlying islands, including Penghu County, Kinmen County, Lienchiang County, Lyudao Township in Taitung, Lanyu Township in Taitung, and Liuqiu Township in Pingtung, reimbursement will only cover the bus transportation fees and travel safety insurance expenses incurred within Taiwan specifically for this event. Costs associated with travel from the outlying islands to Taiwan will not be included.
  5. Additional Information
    1. The list of selected schools will be announced on the event website. If substitutions or coordination are needed, the Implementing Agency will directly contact the representatives of the affected schools.
    2. The representative applicant must ensure all information provided during registration is complete and accurate to avoid forfeiture of registration due to contact issues.
    3. The Implementing Agency will retain participants' contact details and collect personal images for event execution and promotion. Participants must complete and return the Personal Data Consent Form and Photo Release Form via email or send back the hard copy to the event office by October 14 (Monday).
    4. For any matters not addressed herein, the NSTC reserves the right to modify event details and to interpret or resolve matters related to this event. Contact: 02-2737-7123, Mr. Lin Shiwei, NSTC Department of International Cooperation and Science Education
    5. Implementing Agency (CAITA) contact: 02-2325-6800 ext. 887 (Mr. Shen); ext. 892 (Ms. Huang).
      Address: Taiwan Island-round Science Education Train Event Office, 11th Floor, No. 149, Section 3, Xinyi Road, Daan
      District, Taipei City 10658
      Email: nstctrain.tw@gmail.com